I Miss The Ocean

I miss the ocean.
An easy breeze, the smell of salt and sea,
The sun glinting off gentle waves that wash up to the sand.

I miss the gulls.
Loud, squawking, screaming, crying, flying by,
Their noise and smell reminding me that the ocean is alive.

I miss the Harbour Porpoise,
Rising up and sliding down, graceful, unhurried,
A small family, puffing on the rise, expelling and inhaling.

I miss the Whitesided Dolphin.
Leaping, hopping, flying through the water,
Looking at me as I look at them, inquisitive, intelligent.

I miss the Humpbacked Whale.
Broaching, slapping, spyhopping, performing,
They don't care that I am there, they don't have to, they own the ocean.

I miss the salmon.
Flashing silver, speeding by, herding the herring,
They are the rhythm of life on the coast, an annual miracle.

I miss the eagles.
Watching from tree tops, rising on the wind, diving,
They are the masters of the sky, they are the masters of the shore.

I miss the rocky shore.
Ripe with kelp and creatures, smelly and alive,
Filled with the promise of life undiscovered, joyful exploration.

I miss the bears at the shoreline.
Black or brown, big and small, tumbling and turning rocks,
Feeding on the rich grasses in the shallow estuaries, catching salmon.

I miss the small ports and marinas.
Pleasant communities afloat, sharing the richness of life,
Coasting and cruising, slipping and sailing, laughter and companionship.

I miss the open water.
Covered in fog, vast and powerful, gentle and forgiving,
Never knowing for sure what it will present, what gifts it will give, and take.

I miss the ocean.


  1. Beautiful and evocative. I too miss exploring the beach and marveling at all the life. I'm thankful I got to do so in my pre-ALS life.

  2. More power to both youythe writer and the commenter. I do jopw you've read Tuesday's with Morrie. If not I implore it
