Monday, 12 August 2013

A Series Of Random Thoughts

I don't have anything profound to say today; I almost don't feel like writing. The sky is grey and overcast. I have this light sense of ennui. I am not sure if I want to go further east or go home. Yet none of these feelings is enough to generate any sort of scrivener's direction; no worship for the written befalls me. So I thought I might just share a few random thoughts, a couple of complaints about life. After all, if I can't say something nice, why not complain?

Did you ever think about the unfairness of doing laundry? When you do laundry, in the very act of doing it you are wearing the clothes that become the next load of laundry. I know; this is a first world problem. Personally I think it is some sort of conspiracy run by the laundry detergent companies. I mean, I could do laundry naked except it might bother the other people in the laundromat. I've seen movies where people do their laundry in their underwear and then, after their clothes are dry, they change into clean underwear and wash the last pair in the sink. But even then you are wearing clothes and those clothes are getting dirty. It's just a never-ending circle of laundry. You can never get ALL your laundry done. It's just not fair.

And how about when you want to go on a vacation? I don't know about you, but when I hit the road I want to leave a neat, clean house behind me, especially if I am going away for more than the weekend. I like clean sheets to come home to, so that means doing the sheets in the laundry before I go. But that means either doing them the night before and leaving dirty sheets on the bed, or getting up in the morning and spending half the day doing laundry before leaving. Either way, it's just not fair.

Pumping gas is another thing that bugs me. Oh, for the rest of you it's no problem. You hop out of your car, grab that hose, hit a couple of buttons and away you go. For me, I have to get myself out of my truck with my lift, then get my wheelchair out with the crane, setup the chair, get my cushion onto the chair. Then I reach UP to the self-serve buttons so I can slap "Regular". Oh, and at that point I realize two things. First, I can't actually see the screen that says how much I am putting in, so full is always what I get. You might not thing that's a bad thing, but what if you only have $20 on you.

The next thing I notice is that the gas pump island is "kidney" shaped. That means the front and back poke out further than the pump. For you, it makes it easier to get closer to the pumps. For me it means I can't roll backwards or forwards to get the hose, which is always shorter than a 16-year old's mini-skirt, from the pump, where it is always up about as high as a basketball hoop, to the fill spout on my truck, which is also somewhere above my head. All in all, it's just a bad deal. And where they will pump my gas, they want to charge extra! I'm terminally ill and in a wheelchair for God's sake! Give me a break here!

There's more, you know, lots more! I know, I shouldn't complain. I have a lot to be thankful for. But I just don't feel like writing today.


  1. Although I complain, it was an 8 year old that cured my of saying things bug me. This particular 8 year old boy was a student in the school where I was principal. Given is diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome, he tended to see things a little differently. One day he asked me what things bug me. Great conversation starter, so I proceeded to list a few. He then told me if I let things bug me then I was a bugger and now he could call me a bugger and there was nothing I could do about it. You can imagine how much it bugged me each time I heard this cute little 8 year old calling me, the PRINCIPAL of all things, a bugger, "Good morning ya Bugger!" I have never answered the question "what things bug me" again!!

    1. Now that, Lori Cullen, is a truly funny story. I love that kid's point of view.

  2. I keep telling you - full service for gassing up!

    1. Alas, Ontario does not seem to believe in Full Serve. So far I have only found one place in Ontario providing that service.
