Wednesday, 15 October 2014


It's cloudy, overcast, and a bit rainy here in Calgary today, the kind of day that looks more like the coast, more like Vancouver, than that which we usually see here next to the wide prairie. This weather front hangs on, low and grey, a skein of light clouds, wrapped up one with another, covering the sky from horizon to horizon. The rain has been on and off all day, light and misty, leaving drops of moisture hanging from the branches and leaves of the trees outside my window.

This is the kind of day when indoors seems the most natural of places, when a cup of coffee and visitors is the best way to spend the day. That is what I have done for most of the day today, sat with a friend, enjoying a hot coffee and a couple of fresh bagels. We chatted, spent time talking about life and family and friends, that easy kind of chat where time passes quickly.

It was an early start to the day, my phone going off early as Emma tried to gain some sense of our agenda for Sunday; we are headed to Hawaii for a week and she needs to know so many details in order to feel comfortable with the travel. I, one the other hand, am a very different traveler. A lifetime of experience has taught me to relax around these details. I know for a fact that there is more than one airplane at the airport; if I miss one, there will be another soon enough.

The texting started early. If I could have, I would have turned my phone off. Unfortunately my Mom took a fall last night and was taken to hospital. She cracked her pelvis; not a full break but enough of an injury that she will be off her feet for several days and not walking for a few weeks. My phone was on alert for updates from my brothers or Ray.

Homecare came at 1:00; it was another new person this time however she was much better prepared for my Range of Motion exercises plus a supervising nurse came along to review them exercises with her. This woman has been here before to do home making, what they call housekeeping, so I was familiar with her. She has a nice personality, is helpful and non-threatening. These are all good things. After homecare, my friend came to call and at the same time my Mom called, giving me a front line update on her condition. She will be in hospital for a few days.

Now it is late afternoon, or early evening. I have spent the day at home; now, as night approaches, I am headed out to do errands. It's almost upside down, staying home all day and heading out a dinnertime. It's such a short day, from 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM. I have about 6 hours left this evening, then I sleep and start all over again tomorrow. It's called routine, except for the rain. That's different.


  1. I am sorry about your mom,Richard. She will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you have a good trip to Hawaii.
