Sunday 9 August 2015

Quiet Has Descended

It was quiet when I awoke this morning, far too quiet, a Sunday morning with almost no traffic, no sounds on the street, and worst of all, no sounds in my apartment. Mom and Ray have been visiting since last Tuesday. For the last five mornings I've awoken to the sounds of them puttering about in my apartment, the TV on for entertainment, background noise to their morning routine.

Having Mom and Ray with me in my apartment is the kind of affirming presence which draws an increasing contentment the longer they are here. Their visit was too short; I wanted them to stay longer. Unfortunately they have commitments back in Vancouver requiring them to return before August 11th. Although today is only the 9th, they felt better for being back sooner. I understand that; you never know what will happen on a drive from Calgary to Vancouver.

Fortunately my brother Adam is doing the driving. He was visiting as well, having driven Mom and Ray from Vancouver all day Monday, then doing the return trip today. In addition he served as chauffeur for their visit here. I have only one spare room, so Adam decided to stay in a local hotel rather than camp out in my living room, using my camping cot as a bed. It's funny; I love that cot and really enjoy sleeping in it. My brother Jim detests it and shared his opinion with Adam. I suspect it's not only the cot; a hotel provides him with all kinds of privacy, something most of us need.

We said our goodbyes last night. I asked Mom to check in with me before they left; their planned departure time was 8:00 AM. She tells me she came into my room, kissed me, poked me in the arm, said "good-bye" all while I slept soundly, right through it. I suspect that it will become axiomatic in my life, that I will sleep through a great many things. It's just the way things are these days.

I'm sorry I missed that good-bye. I wanted my last words to my Mom to be "I love you". She is a wonderful, generous, supportive, kind presence in my life. Ray is a constant stabilizer, both for me and for Mom. Between the two of them, it's about as good as it gets. Having Adam here was an added bonus. Jim came down too. And Katie came by. It was a real family week. Now it is over and once again quiet has descended.