Tuesday, 6 March 2018


Porpourri: a mixture of things.

My thoughts are often not straight in a row. In fact most time they are a random flow of conciousness which takes a fair degree of discipline and orderliness to arrange into something which resembles effective prose. Most times my mind leaps about, grasping one thought after another, kind of like Tarzan swinging through the jungle, only in my case someone greased the vine. I often fall off topic.

Things I can still fold: most of my shirts, small towels, face clothes, pillow cases, underwear, socks.

Things I can no longer fold: dress shirts - I can neither fold nor hang them, sheets regardless of size, jeans, pants in general, large towels, table clothes, soaker pads for my bed, quitls and blankets.

Things I can still open: milk cartons mostly, juice boxes mostly, wine when I use a corkscrew, a bottle of Scotch as long as it has a cork in it, Kraft Dinner boxes, most cans if I use my electric can opener, most other processed food boxes, a bag of Prunes as long as I use scissors.

Things I can no longer open: any plastic container with a tear away tab, liquor bottles with twist off tops, anything else with a twist off top, those resealable containers with the zipper type seals, cans with pull off lids.

I spent most of today sitting in the sun streaming through my front window, napping on and off, playing with my phone. This is becoming my day more and more, as I am able to do less and less. I was going to go to the movies, to see Black Panther, but I decided not to. It was too much effort. Instead, Tonny and David came by for dinner; steak and potato salad. Easy to make, fun to eat. I did get over to Safeway. I needed milk, but I bought a bunch of other stuff too, including profiteroles and mini eclairs. I can eat whatever I want.

If you want a real good anatomy lesson, think about this. These days when I can't produce a bowel movement in my commode chair, we put me in the sling to make things happen. Recently we moved my dresser from beside my bed to the end of my bed, replacing it with a night table which is lower and easier for me to reach. The unintended consequence is that the mirror on my dresser gives me a full view of that lower portion of my anatomy as I sit there in the sling. I now have a thorough understanding of the parts involved and the actions which take place down there when I do finally produce a bowel movement.

How was your day?

1 comment:

  1. That last paragraph put a smile on my face, your amazing that you joke about things
