Thursday 6 October 2016

ALS Dinner

I'm feeling good today, like I have some workable level of energy. I'm still a bit speedy, like I was yesterday, but not as bad. Of course I know that this energy won't last for long; I'm already yawning. Still, it's nice to feel, if only for a short few minutes, like I can actually accomplish something today. That's my thing in life these days, to accomplish at lease one significant thing each day.

Today my goals are simple. I need to go to the grocery store and get a couple of things for turkey stuffing; I'm having about a dozen people over for Thanksgiving Dinner on Saturday. My other thing to day is doing some laundry. I've been remiss this week, not doing it yesterday when I should have, even though I was home in the evening and had lots of helpers. I just didn't want to bother with it.

These are the kinds of boundaries I find myself faced with a lot these days. My energy wears out quickly. I am tired most of the time. So the goals I set for myself are really fairly minor, at least in the context of what I used to be able to do. I go back to my mantra with this disease; nothing is easy, nothing is fast. So I try to get something done which is within my abilities. That way I feel like I am still looking after myself.

This evening is the annual ALS Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, so at least I don't have to prepare food this evening. My house guest this week, Dianne, is on her own. I am grateful for her visit; she's here from BC to spend time with her aging Dad who is in a care home nearby. She can look after herself; I get to go to a catered dinner. More importantly, I get to say thank you to the people within the ALS Society, especially the volunteers who do so much to make sure I can get my one thing done each day, to make sure I feel like I can still look after myself. So perhaps, even though I do so little with it, the dinner is my biggest goal of the day.

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