Monday, 9 January 2017

No Drama, Please

It's Monday, video blog day! I want to apologize right up front for the very poor sound quality of the first 30 seconds. I was off to the side so I could show the snow and cold outside my apartment. The long and short of that segment is that I have been trapped in my apartment for more than a week, unable to get out to do my shopping. I did get out with Katherine last Thursday, and I did get an ambulance ride to the hospital last Wednesday. but neither of those trips got me into a grocery store.

It's all very dramatic, my life these days. Weakness, short of breath, hospital visits, so much more. I just don't need any more drama in my life. So here is my video view, bad sound and all.


  1. Hope you have a drama-less week. Love the view out your window.

  2. Do you have a grocery delivery service? Save On and Thriftys here do!

    1. Yes, but it is more about getting out to do my own shopping.

    2. I'm sorry Richard. You have had way more drama than most lately! Thinking of you every day and hoping you have a better week! gg
