Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Underwear Adventure

It may not be Monday, but it's time for a video blog. I did this one with my phone, so please forgive me. And trust me, you gotta see this.


  1. Yes yes yes!!! Understood!! Thanks for sharing this!

  2. But hey, you can still make your own bed...

  3. Thinking of you daily Richard. This was hysterical, your presentation, that is. In the moment, I am sure it was very frustrating! I am so sorry your arms are getting weaker now, and your breathing more labored. I hate ALS! Love from Oregon, gg ❤

  4. As mom of three pointed out, I noticed right away how you're pushing every breath now. Yikes!

    I also look forward to seeing my YouTube recommendations later, now that I've watched "Underwear Adventures" :p
