Friday, 22 June 2018

No Arms For Organization

There are days, lots of days, when my internal monologue begins with "I don't know how much more of this I can take'. Then, often to my own distress and dismau, homecare gets me up, gets me dressed, puts me in my wheelchiar, and I take more of what I don't want to take; living with ALS.

Today it has been especially difficult. My arms, especially my left arm, have been very weak and unwilling. There is a lot of bone and muscle pain in my left arm. I was weak and uncomfortable enough that I told my HCA to skip my arm exercists and only do 3 and 3 on my legs instead of the normal 5 and 5 exercise rotation.

Just now I had to stop and take a 15 minute break from writing, so I could rest my arms.

This kind of a day wreaks all kinds of havoc on any plans I might have made. I wanted to organize my freezer a bit today, the same with my fridge. With various home care workers and friends taking things out and putting them back willy-nilly, I now have no idea what is in which. I run the risk of buying doubles because I don't know what I have. Or what's worse is that things go bad because I cannot see them in the back of my fridge.

I'm going to do the best I can today, but first I am going to the grocery store for a couple of things I need for my Spaghetti Party tomorrow. About a dozen or so of my friends are comng over. I will make various pastas and sauces. We'll play games afterwards. I'm hoping to get organized enough to make it all work.

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