Friday, 24 August 2018

My Laptop Is Back

Finally. I have my laptop back. This is the longest period of time since I got my first laptop over 30 years ago that I have been involuntarily without one. The longest time voluntarily without a laptop was in 2014, when Cheryl and I went to Europe for two weeks. Even then I took along my tablet; at that time I still had enough finger control to type on the half-sized keyboard, and enough visual acuity to see the small letters onscreen.

These last two weeks have taught me a lot about how much I use my laptop; for social connection, for keeping track of our search for caregivers, for music, for pictures, for movies. I watch Netflix on it more than I realized, sitting here at the table rather than setting myself up in the living room. My table has all my stuff on it, once again that stuff includes my laptop.

Perhaps the biggest loss over the last couple of weeks have been my blog posts. I know many people worried while I missed those posts; I truly appreciate their concern. I know that things have happened, like the visit from the physiotherapist where he encouraged me to keep my own bed rather than get a hospital bed, or our wine bottling dinner the other day where I was reminded once again how much in need the help of others for almost everything these days.

Speaking of the help of others, without naming names I want to thank those who helped me get this laptop fixed, who paid to get my laptop fixed. It was an incredible burden off of my shoulders, knowing that I wasn't on my own in getting this done. I live because of the generosity of others, both family and friends. Having my windows on the world allows me to say thanks, both publicly and privately. So, thanks!


  1. Glad to see you back in the cyber world!

  2. Glad to see you back! Keep it up!

  3. I know I felt concern for you while you were without a laptop... I’m glad your back and your laptop is alive!
