Saturday 10 January 2015


Yes, this is the blog entry for January 10, 2015. Yes, this entry is coming at 9:15 PM in the evening. The simple reason for this very late blog entry is that I just got out of bed about a half hour ago. Up until about 8:00 PM today, I was asleep. I awoke, struggled as usual getting out of bed, had a shower, got dressed, and here I am, late as can be.

I went to bed last night at about 3:00 AM, not an unusual thing for me given the lack of restraints on my bedtime and my awakening the next day. It's not like I intended to stay up that late; I had the opportunity to go to bed hours before. I just wasn't tired and did not feel sleeping. Then, at around 2:45 AM, I started to get dozy. I finished my wine, turned of my TV show and rolled off to bed. My head hit the pillow and the last I have of the clock, it read 3:08 AM.

The next time I saw the clock, it read 10:00 AM and I was barely able to read it. Knowing full well that I was not going to make my noon appointment with friends at the Farmers Market, I sent out a note letting them know. My demanding body dragged me back into slumber; it was 4:00 PM before I awoke once again.

I knew by this time that my body and my brain were having a fight. I wanted to get up, at least in my mind. Yet every effort to convince my body to cooperate failed once again. I just couldn't do it; I was too tired. So I posted a note on Facebook to let friends and family know I was alive but tired. Then I returned to slumber. I awoke again at 6:00 PM and realized I would not make the 7:00 PM cribbage game I had signed up for. Once again I sent out an apologetic cancellation notice. Once again I returned to slumber.

The last part of my marathon sleep was off and on. I slept; I woke up for a few minutes. I slept; I woke up for a few minutes. This is not unusual for me in my last hour or so of sleep. Today it lasted for a couple of hours. Finally, at about 8:00 PM today, I began the process of getting out of bed.

In some ways, this Rip Van Winkel episode is not a real surprise. On Wednesday night, I got about 11 hours of sleep. On Thursday night, I got about 9 hours of sleep. Last night, and today, I got about 17 hours of sleep. That's 37 hours of sleep over three days, or about 12 hours a night; my average. I guess my body was just catching up. Now that I am up, I think I will go out. After all, I'm not that tired.

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