I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. I admit it. I stayed up late last night and had a bottle of wine. But it wasn't that late, and one bottle of wine has almost no affect on me these days. I've been building up my resistance for a while now. No, the reason I didn't want to get up was simply one of energy. Getting up, even with the assistance of my Home Care Aide, requires energy. I just didn't feel like expending that energy this morning.
Almost everything these days is an energy trade-off. I'm having my own, personal energy crisis. Typing this blog requires energy. Making food requires energy. Getting dressed requires energy. Even going to the toilet requires energy. Unfortunately, toileting is something I am compelled to do, whether I am on the toilet or not. That energy use falls in the "required" category. However, almost all other energy use is optional. And some days I just don't want to use it.
Elizabeth is coming for dinner tonight. She is the real reason I got out of bed today. Yesterday it was Anne, Gabriela, and Kate, all in their turns. In fact the only reason I get out of bed on a great many days is because people are coming to visit. Sometimes I am up before they get here, other times I am not. Mostly my guests prefer that I am dressed before their arrival. On occasion the odd one has to help, but rarely.
It's probably the only thing which really keeps me going, truly gives me a reason to live, to function. The people in my life are doing more and more for me, most often just by showing up. I come to life in the company of others; I slide into morosity if I spend too much time alone. That's when the wine comes out, to self-medicate away the loneliness. I am so grateful for them.
I am compelled, however, to ask myself what will happen when I truly cannot get out of bed, when I am unable to greet them with a lively hello and a nice meal? What will happen when their visit is interrupted my home care taking me to the toilet or changing a catheter bag? What will they do when I don't call them, instead depending on them to simply come and visit? I suspect I will have a lot fewer guests. I am not sure what I will do then. The loneliness will get pretty bad.
I'll still visit. We'll set up the TV in your bedroom, and watch Netflix. When necessary, I'll help you take sips of fine scotch through a straw, and we'll discuss serious topics of no import whatsoever.