Saturday, 1 April 2017

Late Start

Michael, my Home Care Aide, as over an hour late in arriving this morning. He called me, after an hour had passed, to tell me he was behind schedule and on his way. I was laying in bed, deciding if I should get myself up or wait. I waited. The extra rest is not a bad thing for me. I have nothing happening until dinnertime when a bunch of friends are coming over for a games night.

When he finally arrived, he explained to me that the agency had stuffed an extra person into his schedule this morning. That person needed extra care. Michael would not leave someone without proper care; he's like that. So he made the decision that I would have to wait. He also knew that I like to sleep in some days, that sleep is good for me. So he wasn't too worried.

In fact I agree with his decision. I have no need to be impatient, beyond perhaps an urgent call of nature. I do wish that he had called me sooner, but once he is in with a client he does not like to take or make phone calls. I was waiting. I could wait. Patience is all it takes. So I dozed. Eventually he arrived.

The funny thing is that when he arrived he was all hustle and bustle, just the opposite of his normal, slow style. He was very anxious about being late. I suspect he was concerned that I would be upset. For the first time ever, I asked him to slow down, to take it easy. I assured that I understood not only his situation, but his decision as well.

Now, if I could only get Micheal to make me some food. He hates preparing food. He likes to say that where he comes from, people prepare food for him, not the other way round. It's not that he won't do it. He just doesn't like doing it, and given the choice will gladly escape the task. Today he peeled me an orange and pointed out all the other fruit in my fridge. Yesterday he made me a fried egg on toast. The day before, I had cereal.

It's not like I am starving. Yesterday's breakfast kept me going all day. It was enough to make me not want to bother making any sort of dinner. So I had the Greek Salad which Elizabeth and I made on Wednesday, along with some garlic sausage. If I had pushed him today, he might have made another fried egg sandwich for me. I don't need to. I've got an orange, and that is more than he had for breakfast today, thanks to the pressures of his own early start and extra client. He needs a break.

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