Monday, 17 July 2017

Welcome To My Home

A number of people have asked, over time, if I could talk about the layout of my apartment, or perhaps do a video tour. I've done just that. The video today is about 8 minutes long and covers my whole apartment, from the dining table where the magic happens to the Door of Doom protecting the wine rack. I expect there will be questions about what is what. Feel free to ask away.

Welcome to my home.


  1. Awesome!! I'm amazed! It is pretty wonderful that you can still live alone although I recognize the difficulties you are experiencing with having to ask for help.

  2. You are a beautiful person with a beautiful home!

  3. Thank you, Richard. It was a lovely tour of your house and now I can picture the rooms when I read your blogs.

  4. You did a great job taking us on a tour of your home. Thank you for sharing! Oh, and belated happy birthday wishes to you!
