Saturday 16 September 2017

Brownies For Sleeping

I'm starting to get this medical marijuana thing. There are so many varied effects of cannabis. I can understand why the medical community, or at least some of them, have an issue with medical marijuana. You can't just stay "take this pill and this will happen". It's more like going down the rabbit hole and finding a bottle that says "Drink Me". You don't know for sure what will happen, but you are pretty sure it's going to be good.

Sleep is a good example. Eating a brownie two hours before bed, one that packs a real punch, almost guarantees a solid night of sleep. It doesn't mean it's easier getting to sleep, although it often is, especially if the brownie is really good. What it means is that once I am asleep, I stay that way. It's similar to the Zopiclone but without the vivid, weird dreams. So taking a strong brownie means no sleeping pills. You can see that but the unused sleeping pills on my dresser.

Another well known effect of marijuana is appetite. I have to say that doesn't work for me the way one might expect. In the early effect stages, perhaps an hour or so after ingesting, I acutally feel nauseous. I don't want to eat. When that wears off, as much as it does, I don't get hungry again. What happens is that I can eat, endlessly. I don't think about eating, but when food appears I am ready for it.

Then there is the downside, the constant feeling of being on the edge of being high, a feeling that lasts as much as 48 hours. I have this sense of ease about me, where I see things but don't react to them, where my hearing in my working ear seems enhanced, where I am sleepy but not tired. On the other hand, it's also where my brain feels only marginally connected to my body. Well, perhaps this isn't a downside. Perhaps this is how it is supposed to work.

I will keep eating the brownies at night. I'm not so sure about the recommended cookie during the day. Being high makes it a challenge to be a good host, unless your guests are high too. At night time, however, getting that deep, relaxed sleep is worth being a little buzzed the next morning. So now, thanks to ALS, I am a drunken, pot-smoking, spaced out something or other. I can take it.