Friday, 24 November 2017

Adam, Meet Andrew.

When I was admitted to hospital the only place they could put me was on the Cardiac ward. If you consider it, that's not a bad choice. For the first day or so there was an elderly woman in the bed next to me. Then, after she was released, another elderly woman was in the bedspace for a few days. Then, earlier this week, Andrew became my roommate.

Andrew is in here for open heart surgery, a quadruple bypass. He had a heart attack a couple of weeks back and has been in hospital ever since. We've gotten along well thanks to similar senses of humour and a great deal of respect for the challenges our illnesses have caused us. I must say he has been decidedly patient and understanding around my bedridden needs such as diapering and the need for multiple position changes with nursing help all through the night.

Today, in random conversation, the talk turned to hobbies. Andrew is a bagpiper. I mentioned my brother was a piper too, and Andrew asked it his name was Adam. I was shocked! It turns out Andrew knows my brother Adam, and actually wrote a pipe tune for my Uncle Adam's funeral so my brother Adam could play it. Wow!

Of course the first thing I did was text my brother Adam, who could scarcely believe this coincidence. After some disbelief over text, I called Adam and put him on the phone with Andrew. They had a lengthy chat, and then Adam and I talked about how small the world could be. It's amazing if you think about it. Adam and Andrew meet in St. John, New Brunswick. Adam moves to Wilmington, Delaware then Lake Charles, Louisiana. Andrew moves to Lethbridge, Alberta. I move to Calgary and wind up with ALS. Andrew has heart trouble and the Lethbridge cardiac team sense him here to Foothills, where he is assigned to the Cardiac ward in the bed next to mine.

I love the way the world works some times! It is so cool.


  1. What a small world ... how freaking cool is that .

  2. Very neat! I hope you keep up with him after you leave. Counting down!
