Tuesday, 7 November 2017

More Loss Of Ability

My Lord, this is a nasty infection. I am just beginning to understand how nasty. It is likely to be a month or two before the infection itself is finally cleared. In the meantime I will be struggling with belly pain, nausea, frequent urination, and, oddly enough, a combination of diarhhea and constipation, my bowels bouncing from pillar to post through a mix of C-Difficile and Pepto Bismol.

Then there is the exhaustion, not just from ALS but from a weakened body fighting a nasty bacteria. This whole sickness thing is wearing me down faster than anyone can imagine. Last night I was unable to prop myself up on my elbow while laying in bed, something which has been slowly fading from my repertoire regardless. I am convinced this loss of ability has been moved along by my body's fight with C-Difficile.

Of course there is always the possibility that the doctors initial diagnosis is incorrect, that I don't have a C-Difficile infection, that my symptoms are from something else completely. If that is the case, I will surely look the fool, having made all this fuss. Still, something is making me feel like this. Something is causing the symptoms. Whatever it is, if it is not C-Difficile, seems to be doing a real number on my digestive tract. The other possibilities, such as kidney damage or damage to my lower intestines, are just as scary, if not moreso.

In the end, this is another of the many ancillery effects of ALS. I got the bladder infections from being in a wheelchair and having urination issues. I got the C-Difficile infection from having to go to the hospital, from having to use multiple anti-biotics, from what not else. While being ill makes me weaker, this weakness is here to stay. The main rule with ALS is that once you lose something, regardless of cause, you don't get it back, no matter what you do. ALS is a disease which constantly takes; it gives no ground in the battle. That's just how it is.

1 comment:

  1. I battle neuromuscular disease (MG) and cdiff definitely made my weakness worse! ALS is another animal. Still, you have a great mind and are loved by many. Hope that brings you something positive while you heal from the CD.
