I've hire my first caregiver in the journey to replace Shelby. She will be the "coverage" person, intended to cover weekends and holidays. It's good to have that done. Tomorrow I am expecting to hire either one or two more candidates to cover the "full time" slot; one to work most days and another to work a couple of evenings a week.
This whole process has demonstrated to my why it has been so difficult for CBI to find competent, dedicated workers to care for me. As the supervisor said today, while training yet another new person, "there are those for whom this is a passion, and those for whom this is just a job." I've seen a lot of that in both the resumes I've reviewed and the people I've interviewed. What I have come to re-learn, as I have learned in the past, is that trusting my instincts along with a steely-eyed resume review, is the best way to do the hiring. If something feels off, listen to that feeling.
I'm ready to get back to self-managed care. It's a fair bit of work on my part, although David has agreed to help me with the paperwork. I actually thought about hiring someone for five hours a week just to provide an hour of supervision and coverage each weekday. I had someone specific for that role, but she can't do it, so I let it pass.
The live-in role is still a working plan, but the urgency is gone with live-out staff on board. The live-in would give me companionship along with care, providing me with a roommate for at least some of my days. I liked that when Shelby was here. I would like it again. For now, though, the first bridge has been crossed. Christine starts next Sunday or Monday, depending on what the other caregivers want.
Congrats !