Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Eyeball Health

It's been another day of exhaustion, another day of sleeping on and off in my wheelchair, watching Fargo on Netflix, then falling asleep in the middle of an episode. I did not sleep badly last night. In fact I slept right up until the HCA arrived at 10:45 am, then dozed off while she was exercising my legs. Sandra, my morning HCA, is not a fan of these exercises, nor pobably a fan of any exercises at all. I get the feeling that she is not really a fitness driven person, so she doesn't mind if I am only half there during my exercises; that way she can skip a few without my noticing.

Of course this exhaustion is all a part of the ALS game. I actually think I do rather well these days, with about 6 to 8 hours of truly wakeful time during an average day. I also think that my exercises are counterproductive when it comes to my use of energy. Once again I have decided to move the exercises to the evenings, just before bedtime, so that I can sleep off the exhaustion while still gaining the benefits.

My day yesterday was similar, except without the exercises I found myself with sufficient energy to go across the street to the optometry clinic to see about replacing my smashed up glasses. I've now noticed that the frame is pretty twisted too, with the seating canal for the lens squished in the the lens can't rest in it.

The clinic across the street was able to twist things back into reasonable shape, flue together the broken lens, then force it all back togethers somehow. My motto with these kinds of things is "Don't ask; don't tell". They happened to have an opening with the optometrist, so we checked my eyes. Odd as it may sound, my eyes appear to be one of the more healthy parts of my body. My prescription remains unchanged. I have no illnesses associated with my eyes or my vision. I can tell from experience that my night vision is still as good as it has ever been.

How I wish that the rest of my body could take the lesson from my eyeballs. Remain unchanged over time. Don't show the illnesses of aging. Keep going while the rest of me crashes to a grinding halt. Oh well, at least I will be able to see it coming when they stick the needle in me. And yes, that's a very sick joke. I think I'm going to go shopping to buy something I don't need with money I don't have.

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