Tuesday, 8 May 2018

All Night Pain

Pain. For a painless disease, ALS certainly has a lot of aches and pains.Pain from cramps General muscle pain. pain from pulled muscles and torn ligaments due to muscle overuse; there's lots to go round. If you've experienced this dull, full body, aching pain as many PALS do. then you know how debilitating it can be. I had a bout with it last night. It was one of the toughest nights I have ever had to endure, the pain bringing me to tears more than once, the T-3's with Codiene seeming to have little or no effect.

After about 2 hours of incredible discomfort, tossing from side to back then back to side, hoping against all hope that the pain would lessen, I finally decided to take action. My first step was the AHS Night Nurse to ask it they could administer morphine. They can't. The next step was to call 911. I konw the EMT's can do morphine. The problem is they would have to take me to hospital. I would likely not even be checked in, rather left to the treatment of the ER doctors, then released in the middle of the night with no sleep and no way to get home. So, I didn't call 911.

Instead of dialing those numbers, I grabbed my Zopiclone. I has taken one at 11:00 PM. It was now midnight. I knew that a deep sleep would quiet most of he aching in my body, allowing me to sleep through much of the pain. So I took the additional half Zopiclone pill at 12:08 AM. That's the last thing I remember. I guress it worked.

I know the Zopiclone has left me drowsy. I feel a great desire to sit in my PWC and sleep. In fact I just fell asleep with a full cup of coffee in my hand. Fortunately it spilled sideways, off the chair, mostly missing me, dampening only a small portion of my shirt. I will not have to call for help getting changed.

This exhaustion If have been feeling lately does not respond to coffee, is that, with a little chemical assistance, will defeat ALS pain, and distracts me, dissuades me from doing so much. I'm tired now. I need a nap. This sucks.

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