Thursday, 31 May 2018

Wheelchair Time

In roughly a half hour, I shall go back in time. Not go back as in time travel. Go back as in revert to my manual wheelchair. The wheelchair mechanics will be picking mine up in order to take it into the shop and do repairs. While my power wheelchair is gone, I will be using my manual chair, something I have not done in quite some time, sufficiently far in the past that I am no longer sure I have the strength to move it.

Fortunately my friend, Anne, will be coming over this afternoon and evening to keep me company. This means if I discover I cannot move myself about, as I expect will be the case, then, at a minimum, Anne will be here to push me around inside my apartment. No worries; I am used to being pushed around these days. Getting pushed around used to be normal until I got the power chair.

The plan is for my wheelchair to be away from me for exactly 24 hours, getting picked up at 3:00 PM today and returned at 3:00 PM tomorrow. It's a good plan, as I have nothing on the agenda for this evening or for tomorrow morning. In fact I could just go to bed and stay there for the next 24 hours. After all, I will already be sleeping for half of that time.

Still, all in all, it seem appropriate that I should at least stay up this evening. Tomorrow morning will be a busy day, with a shower and exercises in my schedule. On my busy mornings I am often not finally ready to get into my wheelchair until about 1:00 PM. If I just stay in bed tomorrow morning, it will simply mean I get a two hour nap, something I can always enjoy.

I'll try staying up this afternoon and evening. If it becomes tiring or difficult, I will ask Anne to help me get onto my bed. If tomorrow goes as normal, I will also stay on my bed. At least I have a plan; let's see what actually happens.

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