Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Short Notes

Today, a potpourri of short notes...

  • Don't feel like cooking. Don't feel like eating. Had a VERY LARGE bowl of Alpha-bits and Frosted Flakes for breakfast, at noon.
  • I'm fat, very fat. All the statistics, all the doctors, all the ALS workers tell me this is a good thing. I hate it. I am disgusted with the immense belly I see in the mirror. I am so sad at what this disease has done to my body.
  • My HCA's are re-learning how to water the plants on my deck. Some of the plants, especially the Alyssum, do not seem to have done well in the transfer. It also looks like a dandelion snuck into one of the plant pots. I am hoping time and water fixes the plants not doing so well. If not, remediation may be in order.
  • These short bursts are turning into paragraphs. Not the intent.
  • My left shoulder and arm are almost useless now. Move it once or twice and it gives up, drops to my side and won't lift up.
  • I'm tired today. Napped all day so far.
  • I broke the headrest on my PWC last night. Allen from ALS Society fixed it today but found out my seatback is badly bent on one side. More work needed.
  • I had a dream last night. It was a fun dream. That is all.

1 comment:

  1. youre fun. and dont forget it. i have been body shaming myself , as a women, my entire life. i come from a large family of large sized people. its an outer shell. what matters... is that you are sexy inside. fun inside. loving inside.... helps me to remember that i dont have a twiggy body and never will. i try to embrace the love inside. i am fat. and well sometimes my clothes fit and some times my clothes dont. but i dont want to bitter. and i caulk it up to the next phase in my acceptances
